Best rated orthopaedic surgeon Chennai

Best rated Orthopaedic surgeon Chennai India

This patient found Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam to be the best rated Orthopaedic surgeon in Chennai, India online. When he was searching for the best orthopaedic surgeon after suffering from a proximal tibial fractures, he found Dr.Venkatachalam to have the best rating in this field. Accordingly, he chose Dr. A.K.Venkatachalam to operate on his leg fracture when he…

SVF treatment Knee Osteoarthritis India

SVF treatment Knee Osteoarthritis India

SVF treatment Knee Osteoarthritis India. SVF stands for ” Stromal vascular fraction”. It is a biological treatment for knee osteoarthritis. This lady underwent #SVF treatment of #knee #osteoarthritis India. Listen to her testimonial. She has got complete pain relief from the procedure. Visit for more testimonials and information. If  you want this procedure for…