Best rated orthopaedic surgeon Chennai

Best rated Orthopaedic surgeon Chennai India

This patient found Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam to be the best rated Orthopaedic surgeon in Chennai, India online. When he was searching for the best orthopaedic surgeon after suffering from a proximal tibial fractures, he found Dr.Venkatachalam to have the best rating in this field. Accordingly, he chose Dr. A.K.Venkatachalam to operate on his leg fracture when he…

Microscopic lumbar discectomy India

Microscopic lumbar discectomy

Microscopic Lumbar discectomy Chennai India by Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam is a minimally invasive procedure that removes extruded disc material from the spinal canal. It relieves pressure from the cord and nerve roots and cures back pain, sciatica and numbness. Patients can go home the same day with no pain. If you are suffering from low back pain…